


You have a complaint about the performance of OptiFlow



General tips & tricks

  •     Hard refresh (Ctrl+F5) / Clear cache: working in the same browser session for a long time could cause OptiFlow to slow down.
  •     Test the planning both with and without improved settings. If you notice there is an improvement solely by switching settings, you can use these settings.
  •     Remove unnecessary vehicles. If there is a lot of spare capacity in the vehicles this can impact performance. It’s ok to have some spare capacity but make sure there are not more than e.g. more or less the double amount of needed vehicles in the planning.
  •     Dynamic data: are there a lot of custom columns (dynamic data) in the planning? Custom columns are available solely for your information but impact performance. Therefore taking custom columns out of your planning could impact performance positively. More information on custom columns can be found here.




When you have a significant amount of orders, you should have the “Cluster orders“ visual preference enabled.
Switching from none to order clustering should have a clear impact on performance.
Note: clustering orders with charts could also lead to performance issues when there are a lot of orders in the planning, again it’s advised to switch to normal order clustering.




Idem orders.

When you have a significant amount of vehicles, you should have the “Cluster vehicles” visual preference enabled.




When there are a lot of routes, or a lot of orders on these routes, it impacts both the planboard and map.
So it’s important to check both have the right settings. The first and foremost being the new planboard.
The old planboard is known to slow the frontend down a lot.
Secondly, you could also disable drawing them on the map. Again this can be set in the users visual preferences (see screenshot below).


Plan board

Collapsing orders/routes by default in the Plan board preferences can increase performance. Both can be used simultaneously.

When you collapse by orders, you can right-click a cluster in the plan board and press “Expand order” to view them individually.

When you collapse by routes, you can still view each route individually by clicking on them in the plan board.


Unplanned orders

When there is a planning with a lot of unplanned orders and no need for them to be drawn on the map, it’s advised to turn this off.
The same goes for unused vehicles.



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