Sometimes users try to perform benchmarks on our cloud services to determine response behaviour and throughput.
Please consider the fact that the account(s) used for such tests might face restrictions as documented:
  • If you send too many transactions in a short period you will run into the rate limits (DDOS protection).
  • If your current transaction volume is exceeded e.g. because you have a free account you will encounter errors (BUDGET).

If both these sources of error shouldn't apply please get back to your technical counterpart or create a helpdesk ticket and we will assist.

Users with a Free Developer subscription will probably run into this quite fast. 
If you want us to elevate your account from Free Developer to a higher level get back to your sales counterpart at PTV.

And last but not least:

  • We recommend to use a dedicated sub-token for the load test. This enables you to distinguish between different workloads created by different purposes.
  • For users with a transaction based model: you HAVE to create a specific load test token - otherwise we will have to charge the load test transactions as well.


If you want to run performance or load tests, please contact us and we will find a solution that fits best to your needs.


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Related Products: PTV Developer